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The December kits are headed out today......yipeeeeee!!!
Can't wait to see all your lovely ideas from this kit, now don't be shy, post your LOs in the flickr group!!! www.flickr.com/groups/sweetspuds
DT gallery is coming next week.........love...... ;)
January Subscriptions will start up in a few days, get ready!!!
I've got to give away some Christmas scrappin' goodies, so leave a comment by December 14th about your favorite holiday tradition and you just might win some yummies.
We kick of the holidays by watching "Christmas Vacation" after Thanksgiving Day. That movie never gets old! I also like watching "Christmas Story" and when they play 24 hours of it on TBS on Christmas Eve. How can you not stop to watch it!
My favorite Christmas tradition is: When we are at Gma's house on Christmas eve, all of us grandkids will put Gma and Gpa's crazy hats on. Then, we will sing Christmas carols. One of my bro's will be on the organ,another will play guitar, one of us girls will grab the morrocas (sp?). It is so crazy and weird. lol But, fun!
if you don't believe me ... I JUST made a layout about it last night. haha http://www.flickr.com/photos/22567929@N02/3096426761/
Well, this is the first year that Gpa won't be with us. So, I am hoping that we still do it for Gma and that we keep the tradition going.
Thank you so much for having a giveaway. It helps alot since everyone is in a money crunch this season.
Hope you have a great week!
We used to go to church every Christmas Eve at midnight. I hope to start doing that with my children now.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is watching A Christmas Story with my family, it's so funny and it's on all day long LOL Thanks for the giveaway, that's so cool of you guys :)
I love the tradition of having the four red advent candles and lighting one more each week until Christmas :)
I've made participating in ornament swaps a tradition that is fun & creative! Jessica info(at)funkyfinds(dot)us
Ok, so I have 3 little ones and every Christmas Eve, we read the Christmas story out of the Bible. But, kids don't exactly have the attention span that us "serious" adults have, so we went to Plan B...act out the Christmas story with the kids. It has become my absolute favorite tradition. My husband is always the donkey, I'm usually some kind of angel or mean innkeeper and the kids take turns being the rest of the cast. It's super cute and lots of fun. :)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is watching It's a Wonderful Life with a cup of vanilla hot cocoa in my hands, mmmm :)
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
With my family it's all about the food & being together. We make our tradional Mexican tamales, bunuelos, hot fruit punch with wine, atole, flan, and pastries; followed by Midnight Mass and coming home to a warm house with the fireplace blazing, opening gifts, laughter & commotion and eating some more! Doesn't get much better than that!
My hubby and I don't give each other a present...instead we give it to someone else! We go get a crisp $100 bill from the bank and head to a local Waffle House...we go in, and have a simple dinner....then we hide the bill for the waitress and get out of there. We park so we can watch their reaction, but so they can't see us! We have done this for 12 or 13 years now....at first it was with a $50 bill, but the last 5 have been with the $100....we have friends and family that await our 'story' every year!
My favorit Christmas tradition is when we and one of our oldest friends hand out the Christmas Cards. We always do this on the 23rd (in Sweden we celebrate and open presents on Christmas Eve). Nowdays all our family and friends know we are coming, so they invite us for a drink and some christmas cake.
Favorite christmas traditions are Baking cookies and more cookies....and making fondue christmas day.
Last few years a group of us get together and make christmas cards.
One of my many beloved Christmas traditions is to make gingerbread houses with my kids' class. It takes 2 days to make approx 25 graham cracker houses, ready to decorate. It's hysterical watching me try to get them into the classroom in 1 piece -- I usually have help from the cafeteria staff! It's fun to go shopping for all the goodies to decorate with --m&m's, licorice, marshmallow stars & trees, tiny candy canes, etc. It's strange making "house mortar" in such large quantities and still never feeling sure it's enough!! But the most rewarding part is watching the creativity each child has. Many kids have never had the opportunity to decorate a gingerbread house, so I am hoping that some will recreate this with their own kids someday. It's a blessing to be a part of this fun activity.
wow - what a super cool give away! okay so my favorite family tradition also has to do with ornaments. every year all of the chicks in our family play the white elephant game with christmas ornaments. we all get together with our special beverages and start stealing from eachother it is such a total blast - and we are all building our collection at the same time - when we first started this tradition it was just my mother, me and my three sisters now all of still play but so do all four of my nieces - i can't wait until my girls are old enough to join in on the fun and all of my great nieces too - it will great so crazy! happy holidays!! m-
Going over to the grandparents on christmas eve and then going to christmas eve church service after.
we always celebrate our traditions on christmas eve.
we all wear our new jammies.
usually matching. (corny i know.)
and dakotah and i make "reindeer food".
oatmeal and LOTS of glitter!!!
and sprinkle it out on the lawn for all of the reindeer!
so much fun!!!
In Sweden we celebrate 24 december and get our gifts at christmas eve but I really love the day before when the hole family are together, cracking nuts, listen to christmas carols, decorating the christmas tree, eat some rice pudding and sadwiches with ham and just take it easy!
We eat at a fun pizza king here with our kiddos and then drive through the "Fantasy of Lights" a fun light display set to music. We come home and watch a holiday movie together. This will be our fourth year and I so look forward to it! =)
our christmas tradition is putting up the tree, we put up a bare tree before the children go to bed on dec 1st and if they've been good the christmas fairy comes during the night and decorates the tree the kids love getting up the next day to see if they've been good - which of course they always have :)
My favorite holiday tradition is most definitely the one where we open one gift on Christmas Eve! I love surprises, but I also love opening things early so it's the best of both!
My favorite tradition is def making "tamales" a typical food from Costa Rica; it requires a full day, and my whole family (cousins, grandparents, etc) to make them! So its a lot fo fun!!!!!!
not sure if you closed this yet, but I just sterted a new tradition with my 3 yo we read a christmas book every night till christmas. Actually he will problably want to do it till I put the christmas stuff up. But he is loving hearing all the stories.
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