new and improved DT deadline

Well I've been having nightmares about it, and I don't know if I'll ever make up my mind. (I keep thinking of elementary school and playing dodge ball at recess. I hated that game. I was always the LAST one chosen for a team. Then I would hide in the middle to avoid getting hit by the ball. Well duuuuhhhhh! That just made me the last one, in there all alone, and everybody knows they send in the biggest, meanest player to take out that last poor ball dodger. So I'd end up with big purple bruises and a crushed self-esteem.) Yeah, I don't like choosing teams.
I've decided to move up the DT deadline. August 31st, what was I thinking?!! We need to have a team ready for September's KiTS {which are looking good thanks to CHA}, so I think it will be much better to get a team chosen right away! I'm so sorry about changing my mind.
The new and improved deadline is August 10th. Hope this works for everyone.