i can't stop eating this........

I've been researching restaurants in Manhatten and wondered if anyone has any suggestions since all I can seem to find is extremely expensive steakhouses. I just want a fun little romantic dinner for me and hubby, oh and not too expensive. Okay, okay I know that is a lot to ask, but really, $65 for a steak dinner????? For ONE steak dinner. And I know my sweety will want want one also. Come on now, can a $65 steak be that much better than say a $25 steak? Or even the delicious fall-off-the-bone ribs at my favorite chain Texas Roadhouse. Mmmmmm, I love those ribs.
Have you seen this?????

Or this.......

They're from the new Cosmo Cricket goodies, and I'm lovin' the stapler, scissors, lady images. And the alphabet is so fun. My little guy is learning his ABC's (or, as he calls them his BCC's) and that paper would be fun for a layout about the alphabet or just learning in general.
Ooooo, speaking of the alphabet.....

I just love these alphabet cards from Land of Nod.
And these....

from Electricboogaloo's Etsy shop. Nerds unite!!! It's never to early to start teaching your children about hydrogen bonding and Stratus clouds. LOVE it!!!!
Well, time to go fall off the diet bandwagon........
Oh my gosh - that etsy site. . .I love!! Great for a homeschooling resource. =) I love the cosmo cricket too. . .picked up some goodies recently and can't wait to play more. Happy St. Patty's day! =)
yum. that cake looks FABULOUS!!!!!
I wish you were still doing kits...coz I just know you'd put something amazing together with those Cosmo Cricket Girl Friday elements!
I love the cake. What a surprise to visit this page. I had fun scrolling all the post here and images that really enjoying.
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