I'm packing the August Kits and packing my bags at the same time. We're leaving for Seattle tomorrow,
wooot wooot! Gotta go see Grandma and shop at the market and eat at
Sluy's Bakery and Ivar's and the Cheesecake Factory and walk the waterfront and play on the beach and have a *weenie roast* and dig for *gooey ducks*. I've made this trip every August for as long as I can remember and even before that! I cannot wait!
I'm going to mail the kits tomorrow and then drive off into the sunset (more like sunrise since it takes about 14 hours to get there). BTW, everything is just about sold out. One pack of buttons, two projects and two kits left. I totally wasn't expecting them to go so fast! Currently I am organizing the September Kit and it is full of the new stuff from
CHA and some crazy stuff I found. Can't wait to share it with you, tease, tease.
Now let's talk about FREE Stuff. Remember how I promised the first ten
preorders some FREE Goodies, well here's a picture of what they are getting in their kits.

Don't you just love FREE Stuff?
Hmmm, anything else I need to tell you guys?........Oh yeah, the design team.
LOL. You didn't really think I'd forget did ya? Yes, I've been having the dodge ball nightmares again and I cannot make up my mind. But I've set a deadline. I will announce the new
DT on Sunday Night.
gotta keep packing
see ya!